ICFP Is the leading international conference on functional programming (FP). Finance has internationally emerged as a strategic and rapidly growing application domain for FP. After Edinburgh, Baltimore and Tokyo in 2009-2011, ICFP takes place in Copenhagen this year, organized locally by the HIPERFIT team at DIKU. We’d like to draw your attention to specifically CUFP and FHPC (see below), which target industrial uses and users of FP. These events represent a unique opportunity of getting access to FP-based technology and innovation trends. Could you please forward the enclosed information to those of your colleagues who might be interested in taking advantage of this possibility. (Please feel free to direct questions to Fritz Henglein.

ICFP 2012 @ Copenhagen

Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Credit Suisse, Standard Chartered, Jane Street Capital, SimCorp, Lexifi and many others are sponsoring ICFP 2012 in Copenhagen – why would leading IT and Finance companies do such a thing?

What is ICFP?

The International Conference on Functional Programming is the premier conference series for cutting-edge scientific and industrial work in functional programming. ICFP 2012 will take place in the heart of Copenhagen, September 9-15. It is arranged by the University of Copenhagen under the auspices of ACM, the world’s oldest and largest organization of computing researchers and professionals. With its 14 colocated workshops and tutorials, ranging from foundational computer science via high-profile industrial applications to hands-on tutorials by the international Who’s-Who of functional programming, ICFP 2012 will be the gathering ground of FP researchers and professionals from around the globe.

What is functional programming?

Functional programming is based on the notion of transformation rather than machine state update. It is solidly based on logic, has pioneered technologies that have subsequently seen widespread adoption in other languages (garbage collection, type inference, language-integrated querying and others), incorporates the most advanced compilation technology in a variety of industrial-strength programming languages (F#, OCaml, Haskell, Scala, etc.). It has found strategic applications in finance (such as quantitative finance and high-frequency trading), telecommunication (such as telephone switches), web systems (massively scalable web systems) and other domains due to its built-in support for domain-specific modeling, safety, scalability, and hardware independence.

Why participate in ICFP 2012?

You get to hear about research, development and practice trends from “the horse’s mouth” and mingle with the world-leading researchers and commercial FP practitioners. At the Commercial Users of Functional Programming (CUFP) tutorials you can learn hot FP languages and technologies such as F#, Scala, Haskell from the leading experts. You can hear about Finance IT applications both at the CUFP workshop and the Functional High-Performance Computing (FHPC) workshop. The latter has finance as its focus area and serves as the 4th HIPERFIT workshop.

What to do?

It is easy to register for participation at ICFP: Go to the Registration page at icfpconference.org/icfp2012 and follow instructions.

Important: Early registration deadline with discounted registration fees is August 9th, 2012.

For more information on ICFP, see http://icfpconference.org; for more on ICFP 2012, see http://icfpconference.org/icfp2012, for more on CUFP, see cufp.org, for more on ACM, see http://acm.org, for more on University of Copenhagen, see http://diku.dk (Department of Computer Science), and http://ku.dk.

On behalf of the DIKU HIPERFIT team,

Fritz Henglein


07 August 2012
