MSc thesis defense by Marco Eilers.

Time: Friday, 11 April 2014, 14:00-15:00.

Place: Auditorium “Lille UP1”, Universitetsparken 1.


With the introduction of platforms like CUDA and OpenCL, the superior computing power of modern GPUs compared to CPUs is used more and more often to accelerate general purpose computations. The multireduce and multiscan operations, generalizations of the ordinary reduce and scan, have immediate applications for common algorithmic problems and show potential to be used as simple, deterministic building blocks for parallel algorithms.

We first discuss sequential CPU algorithms for both of these operations, focusing especially on problems resulting from poor use of various caches, and point out ways to solve them. For GPUs, we systematically examine three main groups of algorithms: parallel adaptations of the sequential algorithm, GPU adaptations of existing PRAM algorithms, and sort-based conversions to simpler problems. For each of these possibilities, we discuss how the GPU memory hierarchy can be used for best performance, and which additional algorithmic improvements can be made for operators which are commutative as well as associative.

We conclude that multireduce can be implemented efficiently on GPUs and can therefore be recommended as a parallel primitive, whereas the multiscan cannot. For histogramming, a special case of multireduce, our algorithmic improvements for the multireduce can be used to achieve a 40% speedup over the best existing algorithm.

Supervisor: Andrzej Filinski

External examiner: Peter Sestoft, ITU


09 April 2014
