Call for collaboration with SMEs
Call for collaboration with small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
With great pleasure, we can announce today that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) now have the opportunity to collaborate with HIPERFIT in a special additional programme.
HIPERFIT’s funding agency, the Danish Council for Strategic Research (DSF), provides additional funds to existing big research projects, with the goal to expand ongoing research to small and medium enterprises. A particular goal is to involve “new” companies which have not had the opportunity for funded collaborations. HIPERFIT members have successfully applied for these additional funds with DSF, and we are now looking for companies interested in cooperating with us.
The topic and focus of this cooperation is parallel quantitative analysis of financial instruments, especially pricing and risk analysis. A particular focus is to accelerate such computations through using highly-parallel graphics processing units (GPGPUs). Participating SMEs are expected to contribute knowledge and software within quantitative analysis of financial instruments as a prerequisite - cooperation with HIPERFIT primarily focuses on parallelization, and to a lesser extent on the mathematical methods used.
A more detailed description (in Danish) of the project goals and organisation is available here. Please also consult the official call for collaboration at the Strategic Research Council for latest information, the description of the entire programme, and criteria for defining SMEs.
Interested SMEs are asked to contact Fritz Henglein or Rolf Poulsen, the coordinators of this initiative within HIPERFIT, or The deadline for expressions of interest is March 1, 2012.